Category Archives: Metal Finishing

Tips for Working with a Metal Finishing Professional

Metal plating, or finishing, is the process used when the outer surface of a metal product is treated by applying a thin layer of complementary material such as nickel, brass or chrome.

In layman’s terms, it’s what makes your grandmother’s silver service or the hardware on your cabinets or doors look shiny and bright. It’s something that most of us encounter every day yet we tend to take it for granted.

Not surprisingly, when a piece that is treated with metal finishing is subjected to the elements or simply to everyday wear and tear, it can begin to lose some of its luster. When that damage is minor, it may just require a simple polishing to regain its former looks. But in some cases, polishing might not be enough to get the job done, and that’s when you may have to consider the option of professional metal restoration.

That may sound a little intimidating, and you may assume that it’s a bit of a large step to take just to get your bathroom fixture gleaming again, but it’s really not as drastic as it sounds. In fact, dealing with a metal plating pro is really quite simple, provided you keep a few things in mind.

For starters, as with all service companies, experience is key. You want to be able to trust the company you’re working with and be sure that they know their field inside and out.

When working with a metal finishing professional, you should always feel free to ask questions if there’s something you don’t understand or check out some of the frequently asked questions from Metro Plating & Polishing. Make sure you learn about the various finishes available to you and what types of pieces each finish works best on. You’ll need to choose from finishes such as chrome, silver, nickel, copper, brass and gold and you’ll want to get the best value for your money.

You may also need to inquire about repair services and whether that service is offered along with the metal restoration. Always be sure to find out if the professional you’re working with can handle antique pieces, which may require special care, or if there’s any area, such as large car parts, that the company can’t handle. And if you’re worried about cost, don’t be afraid to get several estimates before you decide where to go for your metal plating work.

At Metro Plating & Polishing, we’ll walk you through the entire process to make it as easy as possible for you.

The first step in your metal finishing job is sending us a picture of the item that needs to be treated. We can give you a really good idea of what the work will entail once we know exactly what it is that needs to be done, and it makes it easier when you to let a picture do the talking. That way, rather than trying to describe the piece and the damage to us, we’ll be able to see just what’s wrong and know how to proceed from there.

Once we’ve determined the type of metal finishing that needs to be done, we can discuss with you what type of finish you want and, with this information and the exact measurements of the piece, we can then give you a quote for our services.

All of this can be done via email to make the process even easier on you. Once we’ve given you a quote, then you can bring the piece in, and we’ll get to work on the metal restoration for you.

No item should be considered too inconsequential to get the proper treatment, so don’t assume that going to a professional for metal finishing is unnecessary. And don’t assume you just have to live with that pitted, dull or flaky surface either.

There’s no reason why you can’t get that item looking beautiful again; you just have to find the right metal plating company and make sure that they are giving your piece the same care you would.

Metro Plating & Polishing can provide you with a free estimate to make your special piece beautiful again.

Which Metal Finishing Option Is Right for You?

Metal finishing is a complex process that can involve several different techniques and many different metals.  To make sure that you are getting the best value for your money, you need to carefully consider which finishing option is right for you before you proceed with having your piece finished.  Since no two pieces are the same, you can’t just assume that what worked for your neighbor’s door handles will work for yours.

The purpose of metal plating is to add an outer metallic layer onto a metal piece.  The reason for adding a metallic finish can be merely cosmetic, or it may have other, more functional purposes. Whatever the reason, there are several factors to considers when deciding on the metal finish option for your particular piece.

One of the main factors in deciding which metal finishing option to choose is what you need the finish to do for your piece.  Are you looking to protect it from corrosion, improve electrical conductivity, or simply enhance the appearance of the piece?  Another thing to take into consideration is the amount of time it will take to apply an individual process.  In general, at Metro Plating & Polishing there is a turnaround time of between one and four weeks, but the specific time can vary depending on the piece and the process.

The biggest determination in most cases is cost, which is directly related to the type of finish you select.  Usually, metal plating will be more costly when precious metals such as gold and silver are used rather than more common options such as chrome, nickel or copper.  The cost can also vary depending on the size and intricacy of the piece being plated.  The more detail that is involved, the more time it will likely take to do the job, which will necessarily increase cost.

In terms of specific finishes, most metals are used on certain pieces and for certain very particular reasons.  For instance, metal finishing with copper is most often applied to electronic components as it has very high conductivity.  Often lamps, sconces, and household fixtures are coated with copper to improve their appearance and their effectiveness.

Likewise, brass is used to improve the luster of household surfaces and is most often used to give an ‘antiqued’ appearance to vintage items.  Doorknobs, handles, and other hardware found in period homes are most often made of brass or at least have brass finished metal plating.

Nickel is one of the more common finishes used for kitchen and bathroom fixtures and for a good reason.  It is a strong, lustrous metal that can help to harden the surface it is applied to and thus improve durability.  Because of this, it is often used as an underlying layer before a precious metal finish is applied.  It also provides excellent protection against corrosion, another reason why it is so often the go-to choice in metal finishing.

Gold & Silver
Not surprisingly, metal plating with gold and silver is most often done for aesthetic purposes, which is why it is applied to jewelry, tea sets, mirrors and other personal items.  Like nickel, silver can be polished to a bright or matte finish, depending on the look you want.  Of course, using precious metals is more costly, so it is usually reserved for smaller items.

No matter what type of item you need to have finished, Metro Plating & Polishing can help you choose the right metal finishing option so that you get exactly the result you want without having to break your budget.  If you’re looking to get a piece plated, consider all of your options and be sure that you are making the right choice for your needs.